Wednesday, February 24, 2010

More Snapshots of His Gifts

Couldn't not share this one of him...he's just so stinkin cute.

Is this not just priceless! Can you see what they are doing? Yes, reading...I know, it's such a rare thing...NOT! They crack me up!

Here is a shot I took the other morning at the beginning of our devotional time. It just struck me that they were all sitting together on the couch listening...even I had to capture the moment of cushionless attentiveness. I'm simply overwhelmed by God's grace when I look at this picture...amazed...thankful...

Here's Daddy with his hat-head hair from a looonnng day at work sitting...watching closely as Oliver strategically places his little far animals on the cushionless couch...

A close-up of his careful work.

And another priceless picture. He LOVES playing with the girl's doll house. He's contemplating what to do right now considering he put everything in a what to do.....

My handsome young man...growing up way too fast.
Where does the time go?

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