Here are a few pictures of me and the babies trip to Indiana recently....
Oliver out at Grandma Rosie's fishy pond...ham!

Ira loving on Aunt Lori

Great Aunt Susie

Oliver with Aunt Shaut and Gramdma Rosie

Uncle Todd's face...look at that smile...he missed me the most :o)

Bailey and Alix...growing too stinking tall.

Grandpa Mike and Grandma Rosie...oh so in love...

Great Aunt Shaut with Ira

The Sprinkle Family

Cousin Jake holding Ira

Grandpa Bill during his visit to meet little Ira for the first time.

What a great picture...

My sister and her family...good lookin family

Raeni and Caslin with Ira

It was a sweet visit. Very relaxing and it was nice to introduce Ira to all the family and friends that hadn't met him yet. So grateful for my parents flying me back. Maybe they'll start doing it on a monthly basis...nay...doubt it...