We decided to do family pictures to send back to our family and friends in Indiana. We went to our good friends house, the Millers, and they took most of our pictures for us. I think we're going to do this more often...the kids grow too fast not to...enjoy!
Mini-mommy Elise with Ira

Emma - 6 yrs. old

Elise - 8 yrs. old

Oliver - 2 yrs. old

Ira - 8 months

Avrie 10 yrs. old

My hunk-a-burnin-love and I

I can't believe I have FIVE children! I am blessed and so undeserving of it.

We had to seize the opportunity and get pics with our dear friends too.
My best friend, Jessica Love and I :o)

Jason and Travis...tough guys.

The beautiful Miller kids...love em' all!

All the kiddos...such sweet friendships.