We surprised the kids with a new puppy for Christmas this year. We got to go pick him up this past Saturday. The kids had NO CLUE...as we drove up to the ranch where we were getting him from, they all had thought maybe we were going horseback riding....little did they know their lives would never be the same. They were thrilled to say the least. So, I know have 6 children...three that poop in toilets, two that poop in diapers, and one that poops on the ground :o) The little guy is a Mini Blue Merle Australian Shepherd. We named him Winston Baxter. He's 8 weeks old. He hasn't went to the bathroom in the house once! It's amazing. During his first day home, he quickly made note where the back door was and let's us know when he's gotta go. Sweet little ball of fur...and thankfully he will only get to be between 13" to 15" tall. Here are some shots of our picking him up and his first day home.

Oliver is usually afraid of dogs...even little ones, but he warmed up to Winston quite quickly.
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