So, this is the little lady, Maria, that made me believe we were getting away for a little treat at Dairy Queen until....

we pulled up to Cindy's (below) barn where many of my friends were waiting to surprise me with a baby shower!

These are a couple of the sneaky ladies that helped make the surprise sweet friends Heather and Darinda.

Darinda's little princess, Lacey, graced us with her presence too...

Miss Mary and Abby were in on it also...they had my girls with them so that they would be at the shower ;o)

Here are some of the other sweet ladies that came...Andrea, Janie, Lis, Crystal, and Dana....

Sharon Denise and Mary...

and last but certainly not least....Laura who knew just what a pregnant girl wanted...

yes, she did.....she got me my depends I was needing....that was just as great as my husband buying me my feminine products....your jealous aren't you :o)

Of beautiful and most delicious cake! I can't begin to tell you how great it was!

Me and my little them so much!

Here are the little ladies that blessed us with their help and their giggles...Madison, Emma, Abby, and Elise.

It was my very first "surprise" party of any kind and a great one at that! I actually had NO CLUE...they were good sneaky friends! A memory to go down in the books!
I must mention Cathy...she wasn't in any of the pictures because she was taking them all! She did a fabulous job! So thankful for ALL of you!