I'd like to introduce a new friend of mine....Suzie...Suzie Singer....my new sewing machine! Travis got it for me for my birthday back in April. I was totally surprised. I had been wanting to get a new machine, not to replace my old one, but just to have a variety of stitches. See, my other machine, Kathy Kenmore, was my Mom's first sewing machine and she passed it on to me. I love it, it's great and I'll never part with it, but it definitely lacks in the extra stitching variety. And now I'm doing more that it would be beneficial to have more stitching to choose from. So here she is, Suzie Singer. Travis actually went to Joann's and spoke with a little old lady that showed him all the models and persuaded him from a machine offering 35 different stitches to this sweet momma machine that offers 90 something different stitches. She was one good saleswoman. It was so sweet that he took the time to really figure out what would best fit me and that he knew enough about me and what I can and like to do that he was able to tell this lady and she helped him choose the best machine for me. I can quilt my quilts with this big momma! How about that! Isn't she beautiful. I think this is going to be a beautiful friendship.

This is a shot with her extension table on it....it was much larger than I had expected from looking on the box before I opened it. I still can't believe I have a machine I'm going to be able to do quilting with...so happy!

Now, I couldn't make this post without introducing you to my old trusted friend, Kathy Kenmore. She was my Mom's first sewing machine that my Dad bought for her. All metal...heavy...one solid machine...she can sew through anything. I rarely have problems from her...and when I do, I find out pretty quickly that I'm actually the problem not her.

I just had to get a shot of this...these are the peddles to my machines. The one on the left is obviously the one that belongs to my old trusty Kathy Kenmore and the other on the right belongs to my new friend Suzie Singer. I took this just to show you how different they are. Kathy's peddle is completely metal and Suzie's is all plastic....amazing. Oh and the electric tape you see on the left does belong to Kathy's peddle and there is a story behind it. When Avrie was about 3 years old, I was on the phone with a friend and he was suppose to be in bed, but I found out quickly that he wasn't when I heard a loud pop and saw a spark come out from under the table where I was sewing....he cut the cord while the machine was plugged in and on. Talk about freaking out! By the grace of God, he was holding onto the scissors just right to not get killed...the scissors didn't survive though...they were damaged and deemed unrepairable. So as you can see, I will forever have a reminder of that frightful moment.

This here is Kelly...Kelly Kenmore...a relative of Kathy's. She was a gift from Grandma to the kids. Surprisingly she sews great. The kids love it and are eager to learn how to sew.

Yes, I admit it, it is strange to name your sewing machines...it's probably even more strange that I talk to them :o)