Avrie has wanted to play the violin since he was at least 5 years old. We held off to get him grounded in piano first. Well, he's been playing piano now for four years. I can't believe it has been that long already. He was blessed to have his first three and a half years with a phenomenal teacher in Indiana and to now have another outstanding teacher here in Texas. Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa he will now be learning to play the violin. Yay! He has been playing now for just over a month and will be playing a solo and in a group at an upcoming recital/concert this week. His teacher says he is doing really well and has caught on great. It comes to him so naturally...simply a gift from the Lord. Sometimes I wonder if he has any clue how gifted and talented he really is. I am so glad he has a love for music and is driven by a challenge. I love that boy! Below are pictures from his first lesson.

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