This is a friend of mine, Christi, from Warsaw, Indiana that happened to be in Dallas the week I was going to have Ira. We were able to meet up with her and her husband the night before I went in to give birth. We went out for dinner and had a great visit. We all were enjoying ourselves so much that the time seemed to fly by and it was 10:30 p.m. before we knew it. I can't tell you what a blessing it was to spend time with this dear friend. Our time together was sweet...a perfect way to close a season in my life and a great encouragement to reflect on as I would awake to a new one. She is truly a godly inspiration to me. I love her and miss her dearly.

These next few pictures are of my dear friend Jessica. Wow! I can't even begin to tell you what a blessing this woman has been to me since our move to Texas. The Lord has used her to bless me in countless ways. She has served my family and I above and beyond any expectations. She is a gift of grace from the Father and I am so grateful for her.

This is Ruthie Pearl, Jessica's little girl and Oliver's little friend :o)

Here's Jessica lovin on baby Ira the day after his birth.

This dear friend is Erin. She too is a gift of grace and has been a tremendous blessing to get to know. She has been such an inspiration to real and honest about life and faith. The Lord uses her to challenge and encourage me. I am so thankful for her.

Here's Erin's little boy, Augie, with Oliver.

The whole gang together minus Violet...Erin's little girl...she didn't feel like getting her picture taken that day :o)

These women have taught me so much this past year...about the Lord, about trust, about being a friend, about serving, about humility, about loving others, about mothering and parenting, and about grace. When I grow up, I want to be like them.
Awww! Love ya! Sorry Violet was a stinker that day. Cute pics, though!