So, here I am, 38 weeks and 2 days. I had an appointment with my midwife yesterday and found out that the fluid around the baby is low based on the sonogram I had almost 2 weeks prior. I didn't see my midwife at last weeks appointment because she was ill, so it wasn't until yesterday's appointment that it was addressed. They directed me to get another sonogram to see if the fluid had increased, stayed the same, or decreased. I was on the low end of normal the last time. I went this morning and they found that the fluid has decreased...therefore I must drink at least a gallon of water a day (that means I won't be in bed resting, I will be in the bathroom peeing all day :o) and they also put me on strict bed rest! Let me just say, this will be one challenging task for me...and those that know me best would agree.

Ira is doing fine, heart rate is great, he's breathing on his own, and movement is good. He was 6 lbs. 7 oz. today :o) He is measuring in the 30th percentile. A little guy he is. Here is a picture of him from today. I just simply can't wait to see him!

As far as the bed rest goes, I must say, I am blessed to have the wonderful husband I do, because as soon as I told him he made a few phone calls and is on his way home, passed his responsibilities onto someone else for Sunday, and will be home Monday and Tuesday! It makes the bed rest not seem so impossible now to know he will be here to help. He is so good to me and I am so thankful.
So, pray for us. If I haven't gone into labor, I'll be having another sonogram to check the fluids next Friday. I'll keep y'all posted. In the meantime, I'll be resting...and trying to take my friend's advice and enjoy it while I can...
Our prayers are covering you and the little one! Enjoy your shower :)