Go ahead and say it...she looks like me when I was younger during that goofy phase when I had those great glasses with Ziggy on them and then every other pair after that that was too large for my face. She wears goofiness much better than I ever did.
She is so much fun and so beautiful. Love her!

Oliver...dressed in Elise's cardigan...he liked it till he couldn't use his hands anymore because the sleeves kept falling down. I wonder how many different pictures I will have of him tortured by the girls before he gets a clue :o) At the rate they're going, I'm sure I'll have a plethora.

Here's Emma in her fancy little outfit she came out with on during school the other day. Having some fun all be herself. I love watching them pretend. Wish I had a little more child likeness in me...especially when it comes to my faith. Do you notice Oliver sitting with NO cushion...strange boy...but oh so cute!

Just a shot of her having fun filling up her wallet with her play money.

There she is again...had to get a shot of her in the whole outfit...Grandma Rosie sent her this dress in the mail the other day and she decided to put it on over her pajamas and add the glasses as a charming accessory...right before bedtime...

A close up of her beautiful face...couldn't resist. I love it when they put wigs on.

Of course she had to get Oliver in on the action...he wanted a hat too and he loves to have his picture taken...

Okay...now this one will be worth some money some day...don't you think? :o) When you see the back of him walking away he looks like ET. I love the smiles and laughter my children bring into my life. They are such sweet blessings and gifts I am so undeserving of...thank you LORD that I am not ultimately their Keeper, but He is and He loves them far greater than I ever can or will. And I'm grateful that I don't have to do this parenting thing alone, but have the help of my husband and my gracious Father in Heaven who carries me through each day.

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