I'm tellin ya...Oliver has a goooood time while we're doing school. In these first few pictures he is painfully making his way around with handy dandy tin can shoes...the fun is never ending in our home...

Now, these next few were not during school hours...even better...after supper while hangin out with Daddy...listening to music, dancing, and acting crazy...

These next eight pictures were taken in order to give you a little shot of Oliver's dance moves. I so wish we had a camcorder or something to record footage with sound of him dancing. He cracks us up! He does this thing with his head and really can bust a move. Love it! He loves music and can't help move when it's on...and you know his Daddy is way into music, so we listen to it often...

This is his newest move. My favorite now. Can't you see why?

Now for just some random shots taken throughout our school day a few days ago. Some days are just more entertaining than others. I try to catch them...but I'm not always successful.

Emma took a picture of Elise and I.

Look at Oliver's feet. Yes, you see correctly. He is wearing the girl's dress up heels. He initiated wearing them and really liked it....as you can see.

I don't normally wear wigs, but you'll see in a few pictures whose idea it was...

Look at that face! When he smiles, his whole face smiles. Very contagious.

Also have to say...I love those rolls on his neck. Avrie had the same thing when he was Oliver's age.

Our future wig wearing doctor.

I couldn't help but take pictures of each of the girl's reading from The Word during our devotion time. They are so eager and excited to participate and read...it's very encouraging. And their ability and excitement about memorizing Scripture is always an encouragement too.

Oliver is studying ancient history this year. He has very unique study techniques.

This is a big kiss for his G-ma & G-pa Jameson and G-ma Rosie & G-pa Mike.

And finally...the tub we got in the mail from Grandma Rosie. Had to share. It was full of no-bake cookies. Just read...it's very self explanatory...and true :o)

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