Here's Emma taking a break from reading to shoot her siblings and Daddy with a nerf dart...

She was waiting for them to come out of their rooms here...

One of the kid's and Daddy's favorite thing to do is turn on the music and dance. Here you can see Oliver having a good time dancing with Daddy. Oliver, like his siblings, love music and love to dance and love to sing :o)

Here's of our future theologians...he's finishing up reading God of Promise by Horton here in this picture :o)

Our poor Emma wasn't feeling well with a stomach virus and fell asleep on her floor trying to get the energy to get dressed...wasn't successful.

And our poor Oliver not feeling well with 2 ear infections, an upper respiratory infection and 4 teeth pushing up through his little gums. He just couldn't take it anymore.

The two sick kiddos reading.

He heard the camera and just had to turn around and cheese it looking more like a growl look...still cuter than ever :o)

Once again reading....this is before bedtime. I could hear them both reading out loud and it made me begin to wonder what they will become when they grow up...what will they remember from their childhood...what books will they recall that were their favorites and read to their children? will they always love to read?...I pray that the hunger for reading never leaves them.

Oliver is putting his cars down his shirt here....many of them...his Daddy taught him this, but this time he initiated it all on his own. It was quite cute to watch him.

He decided to try and walk around with them in there...

and then sit back down and try to fit more in...silly boy.

I finally became brave enough to cut Avrie's hair. I was much more successful than I thought I would be...but far from perfection that's for sure. Good enough for me and him though.

Emma girl washing the dishes...she wanted me to take a picture of her.

Having fun with the laundry baskets after having to fold laundry.

Mr. Big Stuff thinks he's cool. He likes to sit on the balcony. Here he took out his veggie chips and watched the kids play as he ate them.

You may also notice in these last two pictures that Oliver's toenails are painted...I know...but I used black (manly color)...he sat there so still and stinking cute.

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