I went and had my sonogram yesterday. Good report! He's great! He is currently 5 lbs. 15 oz. and in the 40 percentile overall. His little legs measure a little short...which means he'll probably take after me and be a little petite :o) He also has my nose. Oh and he has NO hair...which will be a first for our babies. I've wanted a little boy that resembles Elise and I...so maybe Ira will be the one?! The lady said I'm probably measuring small because number one, I usually do and the other reason is that his head is very low. So, overall, everything looks great...fluid around him looks good, his heart rate is great, and he is practicing breathing...all great signs of a healthy baby boy! Praise the Lord for His sweet gifts and answering prayers!
Here are the sonogram pictures... The first two are of his little face, then the next is one looking kind of up his nose :o), and the last one is his side profile....enjoy!

so glad your pregnancy is going great!! :)