I titled this post "Fruity Father Childhood Memories" because every time I see, smell, or taste grapefruit, I think of my father. I have very vivid memories of the many times my Daddy and I would eat grapefruit together. He would cut it perfectly down the middle, and if I wasn't eating my half right at that moment, he would turn it over in a bowl and put it in the refrigerator (like you see in the picture below). Then, I would sit and watch him prepare the grapefruit for eating by first cutting around the outside edge and on each side of each section, removing the seeds as he went. Finally, he would top it with sugar which creates a great balance of the sourness. After all that work, he would eat it and enjoy it...making sure to squeeze the juice out of it at the end and drink it down. Many times we'd enjoy them together, but if not, he'd leave the other half in the fridge for me. It's funny the memories that stick with us through the years. I enjoy remembering them.
This morning it was my turn to teach one of my children (Avrie) how to prepare the great grapefruit. He saw mine sitting next to me, ready to eat and asked if he could have the other half. So, he went to the fridge and retrieved the other half upside down in a bowl and brought it to me to learn the skill of preparing a grapefruit perfectly. As he watched with intensity, I got to tell him of my fruity memories with my Daddy. I think he enjoyed hearing them. Then he ate his perfectly prepared grapefruit and loved it...he was so into eating it that there was silence for almost five minutes. I hope he will have fruity good memories to be warmed by when he is older...and will enjoy sharing them with his children.

So sweet...i have similar memories of learning to eat grapefruit...yum!