Well, I thought maybe I could share with those that don't live near us the plans for this pregnancy. I decided to go the route of having a home-birth, but not at home. Make sense? Well, through friends at church we were informed of what they call "birthing centers" with certified nurse-midwives. We decided to go with the INANNA Birth & Women's Care (http://www.inannabirth.com/). Here is a picture of the place itself.

I've really enjoyed the experience so far and am looking forward to delivering the baby under their care. I chose to have the baby at the birthing center because we currently live in an apartment and we just don't think that would be such a good idea :o) I am a little concerned that since Oliver came so quickly that time could be an issue when the pain begins. If Travis is at work, he has an 45 minute to 1 hour drive home, then we'd have to drop the kids off at our friends and drive another 25 minutes to the birthing center in Denton. The total time from first pain to Oliver's arrival was less than 2 hours. So, as you can figure, it could be a time challenge if it's a similar experience. We could have the baby in the van on the way...van birth...not what I'd prefer :o) The Lord is sovereign or He's not...right? I trust He's got everything under control and will prepare us for whatever is to come. We're trusting in Him and future grace.
As far as baby updates, my last appointment was this past Thursday. Had a good report. I did lose half a pound in two weeks, but she was not concerned. That makes for a total weight gain so far of 12 pounds. Wednesday I will be 33 weeks. Not much time left! I'm still exercising at least five days a week and watching my calorie intake which I think both disciplines have helped me avoid gaining unnecessary weight. I feel fit and see definite toning and definition of my muscles...not so much in the abdominal area, but most definitely other places :o) I'm so glad I decided to get back into exercising and eating healthier!
My mom will be flying in on April 13th to be here for the delivery...unless the little punkin decides to come earlier, but for momma's sake my prayer is that he waits for her arrival...especially since his due date isn't till the 21st. She is planning on staying with us until April 30th. I'm so excited and can't wait to see her. The kids are looking forward to her coming too. I sure wish my Daddy could be here, but who knows...maybe that will change.
We are so blessed and excited to meet this little guy. We are so blessed with the support of friends and family. Just think, Ira will be our first Texan baby!
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